Get Involved
From PTE’s 2012 production of Glyn Maxwell’s AGAMEMNON HOME. Photo by Gerry Goodstein.
When you support Phoenix Theatre Ensemble, you are helping to ensure the vitality of live arts in our communities, nurturing the development of new playwrights, and providing an award-winning, in-school arts-in-education program in-school for the entire academic year for underserved New York City Title 1 school students.
Thank you! As a 501c3 not for profit organization and a public trust, Phoenix Theatre Ensemble is your theatre.
Make A One Time Donation
We welcome gifts of any amount! Make a tax-deductible donation online during your ticket purchase, or by mail to:
Phoenix Theatre Ensemble
200 East 10th Street
New York, NY 10003
Stocks and Securities
Gifts of stock or other securities are a meaningful way to support PTE's work all year-round, and the IRS provides some of its most significant tax breaks for donations of appreciated assets.
Contact Craig Smith, Managing Director at Craig@PhoenixTheatreEnsemble to learn more.
IRA Rollovers
If you are 70½ years or older, you can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as PTE without having to pay income taxes on the donation. This charitable rollover can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution for the year, and it’s easy to do – simply ask your IRA administrator to make the transfer.
Contact Craig Smith, Managing Director at Craig@PhoenixTheatreEnsemble to learn more.
Legacy Gifts
If Phoenix Theatre Ensemble has made a difference to you and your family, we hope you will consider remembering PTE in your estate plan and/or as a beneficiary of a charitable trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy. Your support will ensure the lasting power of theatre and the community services of Phoenix Theatre Ensemble for years to come.
With a legacy gift you can:
Make a more significant charitable gift than you may have thought possible
Reduce income tax and avoid capital gains taxes
Leave a legacy without giving up assets during your lifetime
Make us part of your estate plan by:
Making a bequest to PTE in your will
Designating PTE as a beneficiary of an IRA, annuity, or life insurance contract
Naming PTE as a beneficiary or charitable trust
Contact Craig Smith, Managing Director at Craig@PhoenixTheatreEnsemble to learn more.

From PTE’s 2016 production of Glyn Maxwell’s THE GAMBLER.
Would you like to volunteer your time, skills, or business acumen to our nonprofit arts organization?
From ushering to light administrative work, to pro bono legal assistance or in-kind business services, we are always appreciative of our volunteers!
Please fill out the form to learn how you can volunteer for Phoenix Theatre Ensemble.
From PTE’s 2016 production of Joseph Vitale's MURROW.
Work with Us
Phoenix Theatre Ensemble accepts headshots and resumes for its projects year round. Please fill out the form to submit your materials.
Phoenix Theatre Ensemble is not accepting submissions at this time.